- “What’s happening here?” asked Vorontsov. "什么事"?沃龙佐夫问.
- Can someone tell me what 's happening in that box ? 有人能告诉盒子里的搞些什么
- What's happening here? Ls she crazy or something? 刚才发生什么了?她疯了吗?
- What is happening here is happening to Britain as a whole. 在这里发生的事情也同样发生在整个英国。
- I 'll tell you what 's happening so that you can judge for yourself. 我将告诉你发生了什么事,这样你就可能自己判断了。
- "Let me explain what's happening here," Pelley remarked while in Guiyu. “我来解释下当时究竟发生了什么,”Pelley在贵屿时说道。
- Lots of things are happening here. 许多事情正在这里进行着。
- A: You’re down in the dumps. What’s happened? 妳看上去沮丧不堪。出什么事了?
- There have been strange happenings here lately. 这里近来发生了一些怪事。
- Then again, if we find out what? S happening, we would want to know the most current information about it. 相同地,如果我们知道发生什么,我们会想知道最新的资讯。
- It is difficult to ascertain what happened here. 这里发生的事情很难查明。
- It is seldom that such things happen here. 这类事情在这很少发生。
- What’s happening even is that people are self-censoring and self-policing on media and speech without government. 到目前为止,似乎跟班里的有些同学还没说过话,当然自己是有责任的,听不懂粤语,只能在国语的圈子里打转。
- So I can help decipher what happened here. 这样我就能弄清楚到底发生什么事了。
- Can you tell me what happened here? 可不可以告诉我这里发生了什么事?
- Hoping to understand what’s happening in those clouds, epigenetics researchers have focused on biochemical switches that turn genes on and off. 为了了解那些基因云发生的情况,遗传学研究者们必须找到开启和关闭基因的生物学开关。
- A lot is happening here, so I ll try to describe it line by line. 这里出现了多行代码,因此我将试着一行行地描述它。
- I like to think of what’s happening as a sort of minor-key reprise of the banking crisis that swept America in 1930 and 1931. 我倒是把当前的情况看作是1930-1931年席卷美国的银行危机的小型翻版。
- Especially lately, I just have an uneasy feeling that something was going to happen soon though I am unsure what is happening or where it? S happening. 我有种感觉,尤其在最近,有种不舒服的感觉好像快发生事情,虽然我不知道什么事情什么地方。
- This accident is a repetition of one that happen here two week ago. 这次事故是两个星期前这里所发生的事故的复现。